
San Bhaskaran

2021 starts with a Podcast on the journey so far..

Human beings are clones. Ninety-nine percent of our DNA is identical. 70-80% of which are instructions to build the brain. Still, most of us do not have a single unique thought that has not occurred before in another brain. So… Continue Reading →

Learning as play, playing to learn.

We can all learn skills. It is also incredibly hard or enjoyable based on how you see learning as fun or as work. I have been researching this topic for many years, especially Talent – which I think can be… Continue Reading →

If money was a natural phenomenon

My youngest son, who is 6, wants to the French president when he grows up. I told him, being born in Paris, he can have that ambition. This made my first son feel a bit sad. He said, hmm, I… Continue Reading →

The growing craftsman mindset!

Responsibility is never given, it is taken. I have had the privilege to have employed 100s of people in my companies combined, which often means I come across them again and sometimes re-engage with some of them. I am proud… Continue Reading →

Feeling like Nemo! My Visionary / Integrator Score

When someone asks you a question, “what book do you recommend me to read?”, first ask the question – “What are you struggling with?” The books you read to find answers to the struggles you have in life stick better… Continue Reading →

My views on the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine

I never planned to write this article. I am all for vaccinating the kids and clearly understand their contribution to humanity. What prompted me to do so is to see more and more pieces online comparing the covid-19 vaccine campaign… Continue Reading →

Once in a blue moon & New resolution- November 2020

These are two blog posts, combined to one – for no real reason Something is happening inside Twitter, and something is being done to Jack. This is what I am thinking. Any player can be removed from the chessboard in… Continue Reading →

6 things as powerful as meditation

I have tried meditation, and it is powerful, but there are few things even more powerful and reduces the amount of time you need to meditate. 1. Having a trust-based and kind relationships with everyone, especially with your partner. 2…. Continue Reading →

Variable x and Rainbows

As our circle of knowledge grows, so does the circumference of ignorance. Very few are comfortable with vast areas of unknown left open. So Humans tend to fill regions of ignorance with either God or philosophy. You will see that… Continue Reading →

on competition

A large red ocean is often just a blue ocean in disguise.

- San Bhaskaran

A large red ocean is often just a blue ocean in disguise. – San Bhaskaran

Mixing friendship and business

Friendships give us a high and often the source of disappointment. What is the purpose of friendship? 1) Networking – help each other with their abilities to do things hard to do alone. 2) Reassurance – helping to realize that… Continue Reading →

Why oracle’s move to buy, tick-tock is a bad idea

Oracle is the 2nd largest software company that largely escaped the scrutiny on the amount of data they have on people, which is probably more than Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook combined! They just escaped it by being perceived as… Continue Reading →

Competition is for losers – My thoughts on Elon Musk’s strategy

A founder must always aim to achieve a monopoly. It may not be achieved but is undoubtedly a goal that fine-tunes business strategy. The best way to do it is to talk about lofty goals that competitors will think is… Continue Reading →

Will there be another depression soon?

Will we be going through another economic depression soon? Early humans laid down on their back and looked up at the starry night and thought these are tiny holes on our dome through which we could see the heavens. Those… Continue Reading →

Deconstructing Guilt and Shame

Human babies are born without any spindle nerves. Spindle cells have exotic structures and patterns of connection. Humans have only about 80,000 out of 10Billion neurons. They start appearing in a baby at about four months and develop over 2/3… Continue Reading →

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