Once we started building out a sales team, we were looking for tools for them to make calls. A few key categories in this area are sales enablement and revenue intelligence.

We decided to try out outreach, outplay and engage as sales enablement platforms.

We started with outplay, which offered monthly fees + call and recording costs.

Abandoned it as it was, at best, a mediocre product, and when projected out to a year – the high call and recording costs, along with the monthly fees, would be higher than outreach.

So we switched to outreach and paid for their annual plan. The problem started when every month we started receiving an automated invoice which was 25% of the cost of the yearly plan every month.

They have some trick features that the admin cannot disable – I did try that, as you will see below. We were experiencing #SaaSLash

These features need to be more transparent in the way it works – no warning when a salesperson enables them – their support sends a video of how to turn it off, and when we do those steps – it does not work.

So finally, we decided to abandon the product despite paying for an entire year in advance because the products we used needed to reflect our values.

The result of this four-month prolonged exercise was we decided to build these features on top of UPilot itself.

We invented a new concept called “task Island” that gives the ability to run many tasks in one go making the salesperson productive and adding calling and recording functions of our own.

We decided that the features would be fully developed and available for our teams and customers in 2023.

Here are some screenshots of communication with the outreach team – whose goal is to reach out deep into customers’ pockets.

Few designs on the UPilot engagement platform we are working on :