I had sent this to my friends several weeks before the war with Ukraine broke out.

Now that it has happened, It may be suitable for people to be reminded that countries, companies, and individuals do not have to pick one side.

The common factor is all three world wars will be Europe and its tendency to expand power directly by war or indirectly through organizations meant for indirect political expansion.

The current situation would not have happened if NATO had declared that they wouldn’t admit Ukraine and put nukes at Russia’s doorstep.

Sanctioning the central bank of a country is an act of declaring war. Whether we like to admit it or not, there will be warlike retaliation. It is a question of how long it takes for them to respond, and if things are not resolved before internal struggles build up to a response, there will be one.

Using SWIFT as a weapon attempts to pull those who do not want to take sides into the conflict because countries cannot trade with Russia even if they do not want to take any sides and stay neutral.

What we see happening and should capitalize on is Asia saying we had enough helping the UK survive and Africa helping to free France from Germany. Last time India committed 2.5 million soldiers in Africa, more than a million.

So here is the solution for the rest of the world

  • Establish an alternate alliance
  • Establish a new regional payment system
  • Establish an alternate reserve currency
  • Establish an alternate financial center
  • The world will be a more balanced and better place.

    They should do it immediately without waiting for Russia to respond and send a definite message.

    The situation in Europe might cool down if the rest of the world sends a definite message that they will not sacrifice millions of people to restore order in Europe for the 3rd time.

    The alternative is mushroom clouds everywhere.