This used to be a private internal video. The realization that I should share it openly came when I was reading the book from Jay Samit called Disrupt You. If you are buying a Kindle edition – purchase a hardcover version too so your kids/employees/partners “finds it” and discovers it themselves ;).

In particular what hit me was this phrase.”The world won’t conform to your vision. It is up to you to explain the future in terms that those living in the past and present can follow

There is a tsunami forming five years out in the horizon. Which will hit us all, and transform everything we know as we know today.

Still, I meet so many people who think AI – is like fuzzy logic, it will go away, and I tell them, no listen, – What if AI is like electricity? And they often give me a blank look.

So here we go – this is what used to be our internal circulation only video for everyone out there who still thinks AI is like 3DTV or fuzzy logic and will go away.

