I was tinkering this morning with the timeline solution developed by Northwestern University Knight Lab, and started making a timeline of the Men in Men of Mathematics – a book I have been reading.

Then I started playing with it and said, why not make a timeline for our company, a timeline for the trips we made, and why not a timeline for the books read.

Books read this year was the easiest, most of them were close to my table, and I roughly knew when I started reading them and the books I finish reading, I sign them along the side. I had been doing that for last 15 years or so.

So here is an unfinished, work in progress, the timeline of the books I have been reading in 2017.

I may or may not fully update or maintain it depending on time available, but did spend about an hour and a half building this today.

PS: The picture is of a baby Cobra that wandered into our residence in Bangalore. The book I had on my the table seem to be giving a message for the cobra who was probably very scared – ” The future is better than you think” – He was released into a nearby forest a few hours after without any harm.
