Brands! We’ll put their name to the test!!

When an animal tries to attack you, one trick that works is to make yourself appear more prominent. The same works if you want to hunt down an animal larger than yourself.

Animal brains are hard-wired to be afraid of bigger things than them, even if it is just a shadow.

Now we need to shift the topic a little bit and then come back to it. Briefly, let us talk about power and intelligence.

Intelligence does not come from curiosity alone. It mostly arises from being manipulated by superior intelligence and then figuring out that you are being manipulated. That is why younger children in a family of many tend to be more intelligent, having to navigate older brothers and sisters who are twice as smart as him/her at some point.

Figuring out you are being manipulated and asking questions beforehand next time leads to intelligent behavior.

So what is power? Power is the ability to commit a crime and get questioned in a fake arena to make people feel that you were grilled, so there is a higher power ( senate, for example) but surely go unpunished. So the most powerful does not even appear for those theatric shows.

Once lost, It is hard to re-establish power and trust.

So why are brands losing their power?

Think of brands as giant shadows cast by a few ordinary people with some lights, cut-out of a few letters made of cardboard, and light good enough to cast a shadow.

The shadow appears significant to society, and just like monkeys, the human brain is also afraid of things that appear prominent, even if it is just a concept ( brand)

Some brands were created with good intentions, and their projections reflect reality. However, once the founder is gone, it is handed over to people who abuse the shadow’s power. Some founders also built it that way.

So why does the state not make corrections?

The state is also just a shadow, a projection of power. If you want your money to be the most used reserve currency, you must also have the strongest army. Debts are repaid only due to the fear of punishment!

Cryptocurrencies are making this model redundant – but that is a topic for another discussion.

Things become blurry when the shadow projected by a company becomes too big that it becomes part of the shadow cast by the state. So you cannot tear it down without exposing the play of the state itself.

The result, theatrics of trials, and maybe money is exchanged, “you fill my pockets, I let you continue with my game” kind of show, and the grilling will keep the people in a trance.

Fines of billions on companies like Pfizer and Volkswagen scandals are examples of this.

Most people think this shadow is real. The shadow exists because we don’t take the time and effort to point out the guy hiding behind the shadow.

The rise of intelligence we see always accompanies disappointment.
Disappointment that we trusted something blindly.

It used to be very simple to pull off – become rich – build, fund, or buy your own media company – make a list- include yourself in the list. – institute an award, and instantly you are superior to anyone to whom you give an award.

So what is happening is more and more people see through these games.

In the past, people who could see through the game did not have a voice, now they can talk directly to their followers, so the average intelligence of a group of people is going up. They are doubting intentions and asking questions.

So where is all this going to?

That would be the topic of another blog.