In Greek and Roman mythology the three goddesses who preside over the birth and life of humans. Each person was thought of as a spindle, around which the three Fates (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) would spin the thread of human destiny.

Fate was the first word that came to my mind when I wrote down the definition of a leader.

A leader is someone who can influence the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions of others to get a mutually beneficial net positive outcome.

When I rearranged Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, and Actions to Feelings, Actions, Thoughts, and Emotions – It became a word easy to remember – FATE.

In short, a leader is someone who can influence his own FATE first and then influence others FATE.

Imagine, someone who can control his own feelings, actions, thoughts, and emotions, it would be like a piece of iron slowly becoming magnetized, and the more a person can control his won FATE, the more powerful a magnet he or she becomes, and starts having an influence on people around.

If you look at great influencers in history they are those who can influence the FATE of the maximum number of people, starting with own FATE.