This blog is a result of my first collaboration with a dear friend. I discussed with my friend where we compared notes about our inner journeys and discoveries, which ended up in stitching together what I call “mind stack”.

Meditation is not really meant to quiet your mind. There are much easier and more permanent ways to achieve that.

Master the four layers of the mind using seven steps and understand the true purpose of meditation.

Our brains evolved in the savannah and a world full of threats, so the mind constantly looks for what can go wrong.

We are no longer looking for a Lion or Snake lurking in the bushes hence,

There are only three things that trigger fear in humans – loss, less, or never. Mostly imagined – that you will lose something, you will have less of something, or you may never … that’s it.

When fear is triggered, People with inflated egos get into a state of stress and anger, and those who value love and relationships get to a place of sadness.

Layer 1 of the mind stack

Mastering layer 1 has four steps and releases your mental horsepower and a calm permanent meditative state.

Step 1: Others opinions

Nothing others do is because of you. And their opinion of you should have no bearing on your relationship with yourself and your self-image, worth, or confidence—disregard titles, awards, fancy things, and words meant to distract you.

The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself when you are by yourself.

Step 2: Gratitude

Remember, whatever you are afraid of today was just a dream a few years ago, and being grateful for what you have is the gateway to create even more abundance. Scientifically, it releases serotonin ( the molecule of gratitude) which is the opposite of dopamine ( the chemical of anticipation) which has the same impact as cocaine on your reward centers.

Step 3: Your Intention

The battle of Mahabharata happens every day, in your mind. The five horses of Arjuna’s chariot are your five senses. The sensory inputs ar constantly asking you which side you want to take, temptation or righteousness? And you vote your choice by your intentions behind the actions.

Step 4: Others intentions

A source of agitation in your mind is often you questioning other’s intentions. Even those with whom you have established bridges. Once you have a bridge built – never have a suspicion about their intentions. Especially those that are in your inner circle.

Layer 2 of the mind stack : Live in a beautiful state of mind.

If you do stage 1, your mind will already be quiet. Avoid exposing yourself to negative news and negative people, harmful food, and holding your breath. You will be ready to enter layer 2.

Step 5: your reality is a hallucination anyway.

You have an internal representation of everything in your life, and you give meaning to everything you see, hear, touch, smell and imagine. Once you have crossed level 1 – using four steps, you will now be able to choose what meaning you give to all these sensory inputs.

This means, no matter what happens around you, you are in your beautiful garden.

Layer 3 of the mind stack: The body

The body is your subconscious mind and a record of your past. There is no separation. And the way to control your body ( your subconscious mind) is through breathing.

Step 6: Breath

Here is a simple experiment to see how it works. Sit on a chair with the back straight and keep your palms on your lap, palm facing up – breath usually without any effort – now turn the palms upside-down – watch how your breath becomes more profound and your mind calmer.

Learning how to control your breathing using different yoga and Wim Hoff methods to handle the control levers of level 3 of your mind – the body or the subconscious mind.

Layer 4: Meditation programming the future

We are born to create a world we would like to live in, not to complain about the present state of things. You will see injustice everywhere and a more significant number of people on the side of harmful intentions. Still, if you know the story, you know who ultimately wins.

So what is the purpose of meditation?

Step 7: Creating your future.

Clarity and certainty on what you want to become and create.

The true purpose of meditation is to write the software of the future into your brain, how you imagine yourself and your creation to would be in the future.

The body is the subconscious mind, and it cannot create a future unless you write the software for it in your mind. Otherwise, it will keep running the old software – i.e., repeating the past. Your future will be no better than the past because it does not have an instruction manual to create the future.

That is the true purpose of meditation. It is a software authoring tool to author your future.