There are a lot of pictures explaining the power of perspective, the classic glass half empty, half full, boat and land, etc.

There are two images however that I have seen in the past few months, that completely changed my perspective, I mean I was aware of those facts at an intellectual level, but when you see it this way, it fundamentally alters something deep inside that cannot be explained.

The intellectual understanding gets coupled with some emotional aha moment and somehow the neurons fire together every time you see those pictures again. Have to check with Moran Cerf to figure that out with electrodes.

So the first picture is a representation of the volume of air and water we have on our earth relative to the mass of earth.

2nd one is an image of our Sun from Pluto. Its power and significance waning away, with distance, and putting a whole new meaning to the expression “our sun is just another average star.”



One more: The image shows the beginning of the transit of Mercury before the solar disc



