

Deconstructing Narrative: Identities, Beliefs, and Thoughts.

Sometimes when we sleep, we dream. It happens in a stage of sleep architecture called the REM stage. My thinking is that when you wake up, you wake up into a collective dream of your family, village, town, country, and… Continue Reading →

We are putting GDP ahead of our lives.

Plato predicted that democracy would lead to nations that are governed by bullies and brutes. Given a choice, people will always elect the seller of candies and avoid the dentist. In Mauritius, where I am now for a few months,… Continue Reading →

AR and VR progress – Mixed Reality Standalone

Whenever there is a considerable improvement in AR / VR that will make user adoption a bit more closer to reality, it is an exciting moment in the evolution of the technology. I believed mixed reality is what is going… Continue Reading →

Excuses Distractions and Problems

Imagine if life was a video game where you are trying to go from one level to another. The game has three aspects that slow you down. There are small and big shiny bottles with energy drink written on it…. Continue Reading →

Kevin Kelly + Marc Andreessen – Being optimistic about the future

  This is a very rough transcript of a discussion between that I did for personal use, sharing it here in case anyone finds it useful   You can watch the amazing episode here :       KK   … Continue Reading →

Implementing OKR system

In UPilot, we implemented OKR this quarter and have it up and running for almost a month now. I knew getting the team aligned perfectly is an excellent way to make progress fast. But was struggling with how to get… Continue Reading →

Coaching the coachable

Going from the state of unconscious incompetence to effortless competence requires a set of 3 traits that makes the transition possible. The absence of any one of those three means that you are trying to coach the uncoachable. This results… Continue Reading →

The Discipline of Market Leaders

#weekendreading When customers make a purchase decision, they usually put all the information into three boxes, operational aspects like price and durability, product features, and if the offering will fulfill their needs or not. A company to attain market leadership… Continue Reading →

Why my next phone will also be an iPhone

I have witnessed several Android vs. iPhone debates over many years. Some android phones are expensive. And somehow our minds are wired to think, if it is as expensive as an Apple product, it must be secure too. In the… Continue Reading →

Deconstructing Ambition, Motivation and Drive.

Highly ambitious, highly motivated, driven – I keep seeing these words used in almost all CVs I receive for a review. Recently I saw a candidate who had all 3 written on it – I casually asked what is ambition, what… Continue Reading →

A different way to look at privacy

When it comes to the topic of privacy, If you are the type of person who thinks, “I have nothing to hide” ” I do not mind sharing data for better services” it can be a good idea to read… Continue Reading →

Living to 600 with the health of a 20 year old.

According to Ray kurzweil, humanity is close of achieving longevity escape velocity, meaning for every year a human is alive, science will be able to keep him or her alive for one more year, which means humans will be technically… Continue Reading →

How are companies/ brands perceived?

Vision, mission statements…blah blah. What is the importance of all this? How do you build a brand – why should there be a code of ethics and a “how we do things here” for every company? I think I finally… Continue Reading →

Better alternative to Elon’s rating system

Last week I wrote about how significant improvement was the proposed Journalist rating system is to improve news in general. Upon further reflection, I think the rating system is not going to solve anything only create more confusion, and we… Continue Reading →

Why I think Elon Musk is doing a service to humanity with his rating system

Human beings are fragile; they are affected by everything. The warmth or coldness of the cup you are holding, the ambient light, music, the tone of voice, a small change in facial expression, everything affects the narrative going on in… Continue Reading →

© 2025 San Bhaskaran