

Competition is for losers – My thoughts on Elon Musk’s strategy

A founder must always aim to achieve a monopoly. It may not be achieved but is undoubtedly a goal that fine-tunes business strategy. The best way to do it is to talk about lofty goals that competitors will think is… Continue Reading →

Deconstructing Guilt and Shame

Human babies are born without any spindle nerves. Spindle cells have exotic structures and patterns of connection. Humans have only about 80,000 out of 10Billion neurons. They start appearing in a baby at about four months and develop over 2/3… Continue Reading →

Why aliens do not visit humans!

In 1632, Galileo published a book that stated, among other things, that the heliocentric theory of Copernicus was correct. Galileo was called before the Inquisition, and this time was found guilty of heresy. Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in… Continue Reading →

Passion – at the intersection of curiosities

Passion lies at the intersection of 3 or more curiosities. Identifying problems in the world that can be solved by your passion leads to purpose. Purpose drives motivation and gives meaning to life. How do we ensure kids develop and… Continue Reading →

Growth and Nature..

Imagine you are climbing up a ramp, now imagine the ramp is made of a treadmill carpet that is slowly sliding back – at the same pace that you can walk at an average speed. So if you keep walking,… Continue Reading →

Deconstructing Narrative: Identities, Beliefs, and Thoughts.

Sometimes when we sleep, we dream. It happens in a stage of sleep architecture called the REM stage. My thinking is that when you wake up, you wake up into a collective dream of your family, village, town, country, and… Continue Reading →

We are putting GDP ahead of our lives.

Plato predicted that democracy would lead to nations that are governed by bullies and brutes. Given a choice, people will always elect the seller of candies and avoid the dentist. In Mauritius, where I am now for a few months,… Continue Reading →

Why Latin is still used in medicine

This was the question I had in my mind. I am trying to grasp the different parts of the prefrontal cortex. Everything seems logical – the medial (mid-sections) regions are more self-focused while the lateral ( side) parts are more… Continue Reading →

AR and VR progress – Mixed Reality Standalone

Whenever there is a considerable improvement in AR / VR that will make user adoption a bit more closer to reality, it is an exciting moment in the evolution of the technology. I believed mixed reality is what is going… Continue Reading →

Ready Player One – book review

#weekendreading This weekend I gave myself a break from reading business books and read the book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Have you have ever had a lovely dream and woke up and wanted to go back to the… Continue Reading →

The mind-body tango

Lessons from Joe Dispenza: There are two modes to live in Survival mode / Creation mode. Being in creation mode requires constant change. Sticking to known patterns feels familiar and we misunderstand it to feeling right. Going from the old… Continue Reading →

A different way to look at privacy

When it comes to the topic of privacy, If you are the type of person who thinks, “I have nothing to hide” ” I do not mind sharing data for better services” it can be a good idea to read… Continue Reading →

How are companies/ brands perceived?

Vision, mission statements…blah blah. What is the importance of all this? How do you build a brand – why should there be a code of ethics and a “how we do things here” for every company? I think I finally… Continue Reading →

What affects you

One easy way to realize what stage in life someone is at is what upsets that person. As you learn about human beings and yourself, acquire more mind tools, the list becomes smaller and smaller. Up until 2017 what affected… Continue Reading →

Better alternative to Elon’s rating system

Last week I wrote about how significant improvement was the proposed Journalist rating system is to improve news in general. Upon further reflection, I think the rating system is not going to solve anything only create more confusion, and we… Continue Reading →

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