One easy way to realize what stage in life someone is at is what upsets that person. As you learn about human beings and yourself, acquire more mind tools, the list becomes smaller and smaller. Up until 2017 what affected… Continue Reading →
Last week I wrote about how significant improvement was the proposed Journalist rating system is to improve news in general. Upon further reflection, I think the rating system is not going to solve anything only create more confusion, and we… Continue Reading →
Human beings are fragile; they are affected by everything. The warmth or coldness of the cup you are holding, the ambient light, music, the tone of voice, a small change in facial expression, everything affects the narrative going on in… Continue Reading →
In Greek and Roman mythology the three goddesses who preside over the birth and life of humans. Each person was thought of as a spindle, around which the three Fates (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) would spin the thread of human… Continue Reading →
It is not how smart you are but how are you smart . – Jim kwik If knowledge is power, learning is a superpower – Jim Kwik Most of us are taught what to learn, but none of us are… Continue Reading →
I keep a list of things that used to be “soft” and mysterious, and now we have peered under the hood and removed the “magic” of these things. The list is growing every month. What blows my mind is the speed… Continue Reading →
France is a country where I go to relax and recharge. Mostly end of the year, like in 2017. It is my 2nd home. I am bullish on the future of France maintaining leadership in world political and economic stage…. Continue Reading →
19th April: My day started with an email from a customer expressing interest to invest in UPilot. The day ended with a phone call confirming an investment – with another customer. Days like this make it worth all the hard… Continue Reading →
Here are two videos worth watching. Ray Dalio explains how the economic machine works. Ever wonder how Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) actually work? Now that you understand both, can you make a guess on how cryptocurrency could potentially… Continue Reading →
Apple is doing a lot of things that are making users lose trust in the brand. It started with news that Apple had given screen access to Uber to track it’s users even when they are no longer using the… Continue Reading →
I had predicted earlier that Facebook would come under fire this year for inadvertently becoming the tool used to hack democracy. –(link). So this is what I think Facebook should do: Give a choice for people who do not want… Continue Reading →
A few years from now, there will be an explosion of companies that will provide SaaS solutions, what China did to products is what India will do to SaaS products. There will be a “me too, but cheap” software will… Continue Reading →
When Marc Andreessen interviews Charles Koch, it is a good idea to listen. If you are keen to dig into the mind of Charles Koch, chairman, and CEO of Koch Industries with over $100B in revenue, here is a link… Continue Reading →
It was my son’s 4th birthday, and we had invited his friends home for celebrations. There was one particular kid ( Same age as my son) that caught my attention; he was overly emotional, thrilled when he did some games… Continue Reading →
Companies: Amazon will come under attack by governments. It is using the brand to expand into more and more domains and leveraging AI expertise to win. People will start to see through the unfair advantage they have in an AI-driven… Continue Reading →
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